Frequently Asked Questions about Cariitti Sauna Lights
Troubleshooting and expert answers to your frequently asked questions about Cariitti Optical light bars, Glass fiber lighting sets, and other Cariitti lighting solutions. If you have a question that you cannot find an answer to here, please let us know and we will gladly answer any questions you have about Cariitti sauna lights.
In the meanwhile, have you read our guide on how to choose the right lighting for your sauna?
Q: I have one 3M set, but the cables are too shorts. Can I extend them?
A: If the 8.2 ft cables are not long enough, you can purchase extension cables.
Q: Can I use optical light bars on the ceiling of my sauna?
A: No, Optical light bars have not been designed to be used on the ceiling. The optical bar will not tolerate continuous exposure to the high temperature on the sauna ceiling. Ideally, they are used as indirect light sources on the back rest and under the sauna benches.
Q: I need only one 10 ft light bar for my sauna, but in addition I would like to have some light above the sauna heater. The bigger set includes a light for the heater, but I do not need 2 bars! Should a purchase a separate light set just for the heater?
A: The heater lens fiber can be purchased separately, and it can be connected to the driver of the optical light bar set. The heater lens fiber includes a glass fiber, one heater lens that fits the fiber, and one LED (to the other end of the fiber). The LED is then connected to the driver.
Q: The 3M set has two 4.9 ft long bars. It says that I can shorten the bars. How can I do it? I need to have 6 ft long light bar.
A: You can cut the bars with a circular saw, but you need to shorten both bars equally to have equal light power on both bars.
Q: If I cut the optical bar, how can I be sure that I won’t damage the LED chips in the bar. I have used LED strips before, and with those you need to know where to cut the strip.
A: There aren´t any LED components inside the optical bar, so you can cut it at any point you want. The only thing that you need to check is that you cut both bars to the equal length. Then you will have continuous and equal light on both bars of the set. In the optical bar sets the LEDs are in the LED heads, and the light is “shot” from both ends of the bar. This way the light line is continuous, not dotted, as in many LED strips.
Q: I have L-shape sauna benches and I plan to have the optical light bar set behind the back rests. Is there any corner piece that I could use to connect the bars in the corner?
A: No, there is no corner piece available for the bars. There will be two separate bars with their own LED heads in the corner on a 90-degree angle.
Q: Because there are two LED pieces in the corner next to each other, I’m afraid that it will leave a gap or a dark spot in the corner of my sauna. I do not want that to happen.
A: The idea is to have the light bars hidden (recessed) behind the back rests so that you do not see the bars, just the light. The light opens to the sides from the ends of the bar, so there won´t be any gaps in the light line.
Q: What kind of light switch should I use with my sauna lights?
Q: Are Cariitti light sets dimmable?
Yes, Cariitti sauna light sets are dimmable. Cariitti lighting sets can be dimmed with a regular push-to-dim dimmer, such as: Leviton switch 5655-2W or Zooz Momentary Push-Button in-Wall Switch ZAC99. The dimmer is not included in the Cariitti sets but can easily be bought from your local hardware store or Amazon.
Read more about dimming Cariitti sauna lights >
Q: One of the lights in my Glass fiber lighting set is not working properly, the light is intermittently shutting off. It will work when plugged in and then shuts off between 30 sec – 30 min later.
A: Please check the following:
In case one light spot is weaker or dead:
In a fiber bundle connected to a projector all fibers get the same amount of light. If one of those fibers is weaker or ”dead”, it means that one fiber has been damaged. It may have been pulled with force during installation, bent sharply, or nailed through during paneling. In this case there is not much to do, unfortunately. The damaged fiber can be cut only at Cariitti factory in Finland and a new ferrule can be put in place. The fiber will be shorter, but usable. -
In case all of the light spots have weak light or go on and off:
If all of the spots have a weak light, and/or go on and off, yet the light is still seen from the end of the fibers, please check that the end of the fiber bundle is pushed into the projector’s mounting hole firmly and fixed with the screw. The screw comes with the projector, as well as a Allen key for it.
Check where the projector is located – if its surrounding temperature is above 122 °F or if it is covered with insulation material or similar, the projector may turn off. The projector has an overheating relay, which means that in case the projector gets too hot, it turns off. Therefore, is it important to follow the installation instruction of the projector.
Cariitti Optical Light Bars installation instructions >
Cariitti Glass Fiber Lighting set installation instructions >
Bench installation for Cariitti Glass Fiber Lighting Sets >
Starlight glass fiber installation >
Projector VPAC27 installation instructions >
Cariitti Standard Fiber Set with VPL10 Projector Installation >